The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals
A special issue of the Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society. Volume 16, 1988-1989. 2nd Printing 1995. The information was compiled by Gerhard Henkel (deceased) and Edited by Earl Verbeek PhD. and Peter Modreski PhD. Available from the FMS or UV SYSTEMS, Inc. for $48.95. Shipping & Handling within the USA is $13.75.
This 5 ½” x 9” paperback book has 91 pages, and one B&W photograph. The “Henkel Glossary”, was created out of the work of the late Dr. Gerhard Henkel. The editors reviewed and wrote the “Henkel Glossary” from the voluminous notes that Dr. Henkel made of the fluorescent response of minerals. Dr. Earl R. Verbeek and Dr. Peter J. Modreski are the co-editors.
The “Henkel Glossary” is patterned after the “Glossary of Mineral Species” by Fleisher and Mandarino. The “Henkel Glossary” lists every mineral known to fluoresce from information up to January 1989. For every fluorescent mineral, it lists the chemical formula, the primary fluorescent colors, and under what wavelength (SW or LW). It also lists the number of locations represented in his files. This spiral bound book is recommended for every collector of fluorescent minerals.

By Thomas “Tom” S. Warren (deceased), Sterling Gleason (deceased), Richard “Dick” C. Bostwick, and Earl R. Verbeek. Published by Thomas S. Warren. 1995 Available from UV SYSTEMS, Inc. for $52.00. Shipping and Handling within the USA is $13.75.
This paperback book is one of the best first books for collectors of fluorescent minerals. The late Thomas S. Warren published it in 1995. This 5 ½” x 8 ½” paperback book has 209 pages, 31 color photos, and several B&W figures. The book is divided into four chapters: The Magic of UV, by Tom; The Fascination of Fluorescent Minerals, by Sterling; The Fluorescent Mineral Hobby, by Dick; and the Activators in Fluorescence Minerals, by Earl. The book is geared to the beginner to intermediate fluorescent collector. However, for the advanced collector it has the best descriptions for the causes of fluorescent in minerals that I have ever read.

The World of Fluorescent Minerals
By Stuart Schneider. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 2006.
Available from UV SYSTEMS, Inc. $76.95. Shipping and Handling within the USA is $19.25.
This 8 ½” x 11” heavy paperback book has 192 pages with 977 color photos. Stuart is a lawyer who has written 17 other books on collectibles, including flashlights. This is his second book related to fluorescent minerals. It has 162 pages just dedicated to photos of minerals. Each mineral specimen includes one photo taken in daylight and then one or more with the specimen fluorescing.
In most cases, the photos are under SW but some are under LW, and MW. He has specimens from the Franklin and Sterling Hill, NJ area, specimens from other states, and specimens from around the world, listed by country. Included in the book is a price guide for each specimen (I think his prices are too low)! The color photos make the book a necessary addition to the library of every fluorescent mineral collector.

Collecting Fluorescent Minerals. 2nd Edition
By Stuart Schneider. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 2011. Available from UV SYSTEMS, Inc. $89.95. Shipping and Handling within the USA is $19.25.
This 8 ½” x 11” heavy paperback book has 208 pages with 871 color photos. It is a complete revision of Stuart’s first edition. This is his third book related to minerals and the photos make it worthwhile. It has 169 pages just dedicated to photos of minerals. Each mineral specimen includes one photo taken in daylight and then one or more with the specimen fluorescing.
In most cases, the photos are under SW but some under LW, and a few under MW. He has mostly Franklin and Sterling Hill, NJ specimens, and some rare ones that you seldom see. He includes some specimens from other US states as well as Canada, Mexico and Greenland. Included in the book is a price guide for each specimen. The color photos make the book a necessary addition to the library of every fluorescent mineral collector.