Dual TripleBright 3 WOCLSS
The Dual TripleBright 3 WOCLSS is a 254 nm SW UV light specifically designed for germicidal or irradiation applications. This UV light comes with two SW LS-60-254 lamps (bulbs) for maximum output at 254 nm. This UV light will kill COVID-19 and other viruses. The WOCLSS stands for With Out Cover Lamp Short wave Short wave.
This Dual TripleBright 3 has two SW custom designed High Output (HO) quartz lamps, two LS-60-254 lamps come with the light. The 254 nm wavelength is the primary wavelength used for killing microorganisms and mold, including COVID-19. Detailed UV output values in µW/cm2 at specific distances are available from UV SYSTEMS. The LS-60-254 lamps have a special coating on the inside of the quartz tubing that resists the mercury from penetrating the bulb wall. This coating is not found in most SW lamps. The coating allows for long lamp life with little UV reduction as the lamps ages. This TripleBright 3 uses two 120VAC electronic ballast that drive the lamps at about 43 KHz for more efficient lamp operation. The large reflector is specially selected from aluminum rolls to have a high UV reflection.